Everything revolves around this one question: Am I happy? As simple as it is, many people are afraid of an honest answer. Because it relentlessly reveals whether we have done something with our lives. For me, happiness means going my own way. Just as water seeks its own way through hard rock. I am what you call an independent woman. I fought for a long time for my success and renounced some things – always my goal before my eyes. To get to where I am today.
It was worth it. Not to prove something to others, but because I use my talents. Because it’s fun to be creative, to make decisions, to make my mark. I am enthusiastic about helping to shape this world. There is still a tingling sensation when a problem is brought to me – trusting that I can solve it, as I have done many times before. Success makes you self-confident. That’s why I appreciate not being 20 anymore. The time when I let myself be unsettled is far behind. I no longer need to bow, but have learned to look everyone in the eye, regardless of power and wealth. To meet everyone at eye level, because I know my strengths and weaknesses very well.
And yet: Success takes the peace away from me. I put myself under pressure to experience even more, to grow with new challenges. My discipline sometimes overwhelms me. I belong to the modern nomads who travel cities all over the world but are not really at home anywhere. They hurry through everyday life – always with the next date in mind.
There are days when I feel imprisoned in my own life, even though I’ve always striven for exactly this life. My ambition has robbed me of a great deal of freedom. That’s why I often feel the longing to break out.
Do I want to completely change my life? No, I don’t dream of that. But I am working on finding my balance, feeling my body better, bringing my energy flow into balance. I don’t just want to use energy anymore, I also want to recharge my batteries. It is nature to search for balance: Movement and rest, Yin and Yang, ebb and flow. The seasons in the mountains, which include harmonious silence as well as brute elemental force. Both have their space.
On my way to myself, nature should inspire me. Because it heals and calms. It is an inexhaustible source of freshness for body and soul – especially water in its purest form. Like a downpour filling a dry mountain lake, I regularly want to give something back and put my needs first. In short: enjoy being a woman. High time to celebrate it with a moment of self. Pause. Take a deep breath. Pure happiness. I know what is good for me. LAQUA.